Monday, April 5, 2010

Weigh Day!

Well, I was disappointed this morning to see 270.8. I know that it's fluid because of my drinking and eating pizza on the weekend.  I also had ham for Easter dinner and there's more sodium. I need to stay away from that stuff. I'm OK with it but still disappointed. I know I need to do better than that if the scales are going to move at all. I was thinking today why I'm having such a hard time. I have no idea, but I'm thinking that if I ever get out of the 60's I might get some motivation. I'd love to see the 50's and the 40's and then I think I'll really be motivated. Right now though I'm struggling. I've had a great day so far today and am hoping that the rest of the day continues in the same direction. This week I am going to try as hard as I possibly can and see what kind of results I'll see next week.

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